Missouri Business Startup

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Missouri Business Startup Roadmap

From the Secretary of State to your merchant account, we have developed the roadmap to what's missing
We have created a step-by-step roadmap that can help you become fully fundable, even ahead of your established competitors. Our map starts by guiding you to check the information provided by your state’s Secretary of State office. We then provide a logical progression to help you establish all the necessary components for a fully fundable business. We have listed our favorite solutions, some of which are affiliate links. These links do not cost you anything extra, but they do reward us for sharing the great solutions we have found. Once you complete all the steps, you will be fully prepared to build business credit with the best of them. If you already have a solution in place for a particular step, you’re good to go. If you have questions about the quality of a solution, click here for guidance.
Don’t run your business from a home address
Next, we can talk about address. Once you have your Business Name from the Secretary of State from the state that you have set up shop in, where will your shop be located? Your house or a P.O. Box is NOT the answer. You need something with a dedicated meeting space, a lobby, and original address (Suite numbers can work) Even a virtual office with the right setup can work – check out Alliance if you need a separate address to operate from.
LLC Formation to establish an EIN #
You may have used the letters LLC in your name with the Secretary of State but now you need to make it official with the IRS. This is the part that sets up your EIN #. You do NOT need to pay anyone to do this for you. You can definitely do it yourself… but do you trust yourself to get it right on your own? NOLO can be used for – Starting and Running Your Business, Employment and HR, Intellectual Property, Non-Profit, Debt and Credit Repair, and Willmaker.com to round out the legal startup without the huge costs!
Number one resource we know to personalize your IT IP phones
Tyler’s Computers has been instrumental in several phases of our business. Phone implementation, website build, all the way down to our email signatures…this guy takes care of it all remotely for us to save money but still gets us the expertise. He can also make sure the virus and malware stuff that you think your software is keeping away from your computer locked up and you will never need to have that freak out moment. Let me know personally if you have any other questions… this is not an affiliate link rather Tyler has become a personal friend of the family.
IT framework needs to be established and mapped
Okay, you are setup and have an EIN – you are probably ready to take calls! But wait, does the Secretary of State need my phone number? Address, yes (you need to make sure that all this info matches everywhere) but phone can be established now without a lot of backtracking. Phone.com does a good job of giving you all of the things you need without costing too much or giving you a bunch of extras that your small business will never use. Easy setup too.
Get your Domain, Website, and branded Email right here
GoDaddy knocks out quite a few criteria all in one feld swoop – typically for less! These guys have $9.99 .coms, step-by-step website builders, and will make sure that your email is @yourwebsite.com. This is an easy way to do it so that doesn’t cost a lot to pull off. Make sure your business.com is available early on and secure it here at this point.
Keep your income accessible and pay your bills quickly
We will have a little more back office to do in a minute but how are you gonna make all of that money without a way to receive it. That merchant processor needs to be accessible and work hard to provide options that can keep your cost to do business down to a bare minimum. Kastenberry does that for you. We have great contacts there and they will have all the great ways that we do to make sure you get the sales income you have created in a timeline that works for you. Very helpful to be able to pay the bills on time.
Track everything and find the customers you can work best with
Ok guys – all of the previous stuff is crazy important and really in that order so you don’t have to keep going back and forth fixing things to stay fundable along the way. However, a functional CRM is vital to keeping all of your info straight and the fortune is in the follow-up. Close allows you to maintain client records, calendar sync, email sync, schedule follow-up reminders and track read correspondence so you can casually check in on them later that day. Close will help you win the marginal customers when you could have easily lost them in the chaos. And will not cost you $14,000 a year per seat like some of the others!
A little data entry now makes tax time a whole lot nicer
You have for sure heard of the next suggestion but when you are first starting out – you do not need to hire a bookkeeper and you do not have enough transactions to be bookkept. Let’s consider QuickBooks as the starter for bridging the gap between the beginning and needing a full time office staff to cover internal accounting. It could not be easier to operate and your accountant will thank you at the end of the year as well.
A little data entry now makes tax time a whole lot nicer
Now, we are getting to more of the fun stuff but this element can be so nebulous and a huge funds waster if you do not know what you are doing. Just like most of you do not know inherently how to build business credit, there are too many options for marketing and advertising. From the local T-ball team to huge billboard ads, what is best for you? The team at Socialise Digital can break down exactly what you should be doing, help you develop it, and implement it for you as well.
Be protected to keep this budding asset entact
Not near as much fun but there is a definite buzz about business insurance. I have a few connections and contacts that can get this policy out to you as a business owner fairly quickly if you don’t have one. Keep these things in mind – when you pick your own price, you cut insurance away from yourself to get to that price. Make sure you are working with an agent that asks you questions about your business that makes you think about your liability needs…not a cookie cutter policy because in the end you could be very sorry for saving $20. Enter your info in the form and choose business insurance and we can let you know who to work with.
Print it and ship it all in one place – massively convenient
Not near as much fun but there is a definite buzz about business insurance. I have a few connections and contacts that can get this policy out to you as a business owner fairly quickly if you don’t have one. Keep these things in mind – when you pick your own price, you cut insurance away from yourself to get to that price. Make sure you are working with an agent that asks you questions about your business that makes you think about your liability needs…not a cookie cutter policy because in the end you could be very sorry for saving $20. Enter your info in the form and choose business insurance and we can let you know who to work with.
Stay in the office and get more done with these guys
Stay in the office and get more done with these guys
Having an up-to-speed workforce doesn’t have to be a pain

You have a majority of the bigger points taken care of for fundability to this point but having great education for your business is never a bad thing. 360 Training has many business classes and coursework to supplement the training manuals that are specific to you. Safety, Respectful Workplace, and  Manager Training are classes that every business can benefit from and follow up testing to ensure you have a knowledgeable staff.

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